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Safety Health Environment and Quality Policy Statement

The company is committed to providing a quality driven approach for the installation, renewal, replacement, maintenance and environmental recycling of materials associated with underground utility assets. With the engagement of all stakeholders the day to day operations of the company shall be sustainably developed and implemented.

Sustainability to the company means “working in a way that meets the needs of the present generation without preventing future generations from meeting their needs”

The following core principles shall form part of an integrated framework towards a responsible approach for doing business.


Our company values and belief across all employee levels is that safety is our number one business objective and that all accidents are preventable. Our aim is to achieve a goal of no accidents nor harm to people.


The health of our employees is important for the safe and effective delivery of our operations and for their own future well-being. We shall ensure that employees are fit to undertake the task allocated to them and that we operate our facilities in a way that minimises risks to employees, suppliers and the community.


We shall show sensitivity to the values and concerns of communities in which we do business and we aim to enhance community well-being through contributions of time and expertise.


Employees will be treated in a manner that respects them as individuals, develops their potential in the context of the business and encourages them to play a part in our development.


We shall identify our key impacts and monitor the appropriate control measures to ensure all practical measures are taken to prevent pollution, reduce waste and mitigate the impact of our operations. We shall manage our investment and operations in a way that considers Climate Change impacts.


We are committed to providing a quality service that meets and exceeds all expectations in a safe and profitable manner. Through the setting of objectives and targets, we monitor, maintain and continually look to improve our service delivery, whilst maintaining ISO ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001.

The company shall ensure that we:

  • Consult, listen and respond openly to our employees, customers and legitimate public interest groups
  • Maintain compliance with Legislation and compliance with any other applicable standards and codes that may be applicable to our operations.
  • Set Objectives and targets to monitor our performance against the Policy to maintain continual improvement year on year
  • Openly report our progress
  • Communicate our Policy to all employees and others who may require it.

This policy shall be periodically reviewed to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of our company.
